Dileep Kumar, a 13-year-old from Sangar, underwent a traumatic eye injury that left him in severe pain. Dr. Mustafa Kamal and his team at MMI Hospital suggested a corneal implant, which turned out to be a great idea and helped Dileep recover from his injury.
Corneal grafting is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting a healthy part of the eye’s clear front cover onto a damaged part. This surgery is typically performed to improve vision in individuals with a cloudy or injured cornea. During the surgery, the damaged part is removed, and the healthy part is carefully placed in its position. Following the surgery, the eye will heal, and the person’s vision will improve.
Dileep Kumar received the comfort and care he needed at MMI Hospital, led by Dr. Mustafa Kamal and his team. They recognized the situation’s urgency and responded quickly to alleviate Dileep’s suffering
MMI Hospital stands out for its unwavering commitment to providing top-notch medical services without imposing financial pressure on patients. Dileep’s family experienced this firsthand, as the hospital offered free tests, treatments, and surgery. MMI Hospital believes that quality healthcare is a right that should be accessible to all, regardless of financial barriers.
Dileep’s surgery at MMI Hospital was successful, and the doctors and nurses displayed remarkable skill and dedication.
Dileep Kumar’s inspiring healing journey is a testament to MMI Hospital’s dedication to its community. Dr. Mustafa Kamal and his team exemplify the hospital’s mission of providing compassionate and skilled healthcare to all.
Just as a corneal grafting surgery replaces a damaged part of the eye, MMI Hospital mends lives with its exceptional care. MMI Hospital is more than a medical facility; it stands as a beacon of hope, offering restoration to needy individuals.